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For Authors

We appreciate your interest in having your book at Legends.  We receive solicitations from many authors and their representatives throughout the year.  Because we are a small business with limited shelf space, we have a set of criteria that must be met in order for us to consider carrying your book.  We do take a limited number of books on consignment, but normally prefer to order direct through a publisher/distributor for ease in re-stocking.


Things to Know Before Contacting Us:

  • We will consider books that have been published through a major publisher or that are available through a major distributor (Ingram).   After reviewing the submission. we will determine if your book is something that we feel is a good fit for our store.   We may elect to order direct from the publisher, a distributor or purchase directly from you.

  • We operate at minimal staff levels and are are unable to meet with authors to discuss their books on a walk-in basis.  Please call or email ahead to make an appointment.

  • Please do not leave unsolicited review copies.  We do not have room to store them.  Books left will be assumed to have been given to us for our preview and disposal, as needed.


Book Requirements: 

  • The book must be by a local (Wyoming/SouthCentral Montana) author or of local relevance.   We will consider both fiction and non-fiction titles.

  • The book must have been published in the last twenty-four months.

  • The book must be professionally and attractively bound.  

  • The author’s name and the title must be visible on the spine for proper shelving.

  • The book must have an ISBN and barcode.

  • The price must be appropriate for the size and type of book.  

  • We will not order or accept non-returnable, low discount, or print on demand titles.  We will not pay shipping.


Consignment Terms (if accepted): 

  • We will initially take no more than two signed copies for a six month period.  If restocking is necessary, we will reorder.

  • Our standard consignment terms are a standard 60/40 split.  

  • Payment will be issued for the books that have sold at the end of the consignment period.   We will only pay for books that have sold according to our point of sale records.  We are not responsible for any  stolen or damaged merchandise.

  • If we choose to renew the consignment, we will order signed copies as needed.  If we do not wish to renew, you will need to pick up or make arrangement to pick up the unsold copies.  Copies that are left at Legends more than a month after the end of the agreement will be disposed of at the discretion of Legends Bookstore.

  • As a part of the consignment agreement, authors agree to link to Legends Bookstore on their website, blog, social media sites, and other online platforms.  If you plan to promote locally the availability of your book on Amazon, we are not interested in having your book on our shelves.  

  • Marketing is the responsibility of the consignor.  

  • Once a book has been accepted on consignment there will be a one time $25 processing fee. 

©2023 Legends Bookstore, LLC 1350 Sheridan Ave. Cody, WY 82414

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